We invite you to join us for worship on Sundays at 10 a.m.

We Invite You

We invite you to join us for worship

Sundays at 10 a.m.

Call us at 618-466-2788.

Unable to visit us in person, watch us on Facebook or YouTube



God’s Work Our Hands is taking place Sept. 8th. 

We will be providing Smoke Alarms and Carbon Monoxide Detectors in homes throughout Alton and Godfrey with the assistance of our local Fire Departments.  Following worship, teams of 3, some accompanied by an off-duty firefighter will be visiting homes in need of one of these devices, setting them up and briefly speaking to them about Resurrection.

  • Collections for fire alarms and carbon monoxide detectors will begin now.
  • Fire alarms must be those with a 10-year battery. 
  • Carbon monoxide detectors must be either the plug-in type or the ceiling/wall mount and must specify “Nighthawk” on them.
  • Cash donations will be accepted as well. 
  • VOLUNTEERS will be needed ! ! !

Our Vision & Mission


We are an inviting community of faith where we care for all.


To share God’s care, we invite people personally and virtually into community, and offer opportunities to grow and serve.

Guiding Principles

 1.     Jesus Christ is Lord and Savior.
 2.     Transparency is key to integrity.
 3.     Acceptance in inviting.
 4.     Faithful in caring.
 5.     Compassion for everyone.
 6.     Creatively growing in service.