See our Social Ministry Page & Home Page for additional activities taking place at Resurrection Lutheran.

Resurrection Church is partnering with the Alton Fire Department, Godfrey Fire Protection District, and Boy Scout Troop 8007.  On September 8, 2024, from 11:15 a.m. until 4:30 p.m. Teams of three will be installing smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors in our neighbor’s homes.

How will we achieve this?

  • Your help is needed! We set an achievable goal of receiving donations of a minimum of 50 devices or $1,000.  We have received $250 from Thrivent Financial toward our goal.
    • Smoke alarms must have a 10-year battery life, any brand.
    • Carbon monoxide detectors must have Nighthawk technology or be a plug-in, no desk style. Any brand.
    • A sample donation letter is available for anyone’s use in securing devices or funds.
    • Let us know if you are aware of a homeowner who needs a device installed, perhaps a friend, family member or someone in our church family? Low income and persons with a disability will be given priority.
  • Sharon Groh is coordinating the referrals and installation teams with the Fire Departments, Boy Scouts & Resurrection:
    • Eligible applicants are screened and will be required to sign a “Participant Waiver/ Hold Harmless Agreement”.
    • Teams of three volunteers will be assigned and provided information about household. One person will visit with the homeowner and two will complete installation.  All equipment and tools will be taken with each team, including a first aid kit.  Batteries will be replaced in smoke alarms, based on availability and time.  Gift bags will be shared with homeowners (ministry information, granola bar, fire safety education, etc.).  Volunteers include off-duty firefighters, Boy Scouts, church volunteers, family members, and others, if interested.  Resurrection volunteers will wear church t-shirts.  All volunteers wear nametags for security purposes. Remember, YOU ARE NEEDED.  Do you have a voice?  If yes, then you can be the important person visiting with the homeowner.  No physical requirements are necessary, just a willingness to be present and show kindness.
    • We need volunteers to prepare sack lunches to be taken with the volunteers. We plan to leave immediately after worship.  The number of installations will keep us busy with little time to spare.
    • Prayer warriors. Pray for open hearts of the homeowners and safety for all as we proclaim God’s love to our neighbors as we do God’s work.

Human beings are social creatures. Our connection to others enables us to survive and thrive. Absent these social connections, we struggle. Yet, as we age, changes in our lives – such as retirement, caregiving responsibilities, loss of friends and neighbors, not being able to drive, or changes in some of our daily functioning – can increase the risk of loneliness and isolation.

Not being able to attend worship services or other church activities further adds to social isolation.

  • I encourage you to remember friends or members of our congregation who are no longer able to attend but remain on our prayer list by sending a card, making a phone call, or scheduling a visit, if possible. The same challenge for anyone who may be absent for several Sundays, let them know they are missed.
  • Donated greeting cards are available to anyone to send to church or family members, and friends. You will find them in a basket in the narthex. Help yourself.
  • Believe in the importance of Christian fellowship and support.

Gift Cards

Council has moved $1,000 from the Reserve Fund into the Mission Fund to support the purchase of gift cards for those in need.  There has been a recent uptick in requests.  Cards from Schnuck’s, QT and Aldi will be purchased.  If you would like to purchase additional cards and/our donate towards any cards you are invited to do so.  We have been purchasing them in $20 increments.

Thanks, Church Council.