Worship Assistant Schedule

It’s not to late for you to volunteer to serve as an Assisting Minister. If you would like to serve, please talk to Pastor Jan or any member of the Worship Committee.
Assisting Ministers:
- Team 2, Carol Callahan (660-7776) & Karen Woods (567-5651) – September and December
- Team 3, Ruth Wolter (317-5157) & Kay Tucker (972-5049) — October and December
Communion Assistants
- Due to limited availability, please contact the church office for those assisting us in December. . . TBD
- Due to limited availability, please contact the church office for those assisting us in December. . . TBD
Dwelling in the Word is typically held on Mondays (times and dates will be announced in the newsletter and posted on the calendar).
Dwelling in the Word is a time of biblical reflection on various biblical passages. The goal is to assist participants in listening to God’s Word and one another in hearing where God is speaking to them in daily life.
Dwelling in the Word is currently on hold due to the busy holiday season ahead of us.