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Community Garden

Our Resurrection Community Garden team has been very busy with the start of Spring. As the tilling and planting has begun, we are trying to Achieve our goal of another bountiful year of vegetable donations for the Alton Crisis Food Center. Vegetable selections were made after gathering input from Food Center staff
on user needs, likes/dislikes and suggestions for cultural preferences. The team Believes God’s goodness will be experienced as existing friendships grow and new friends are made.

Thank you for garden-designated donations already received. However, we need an additional $500. A water line extending from the shed to the garden needs to be buried so it will not obstruct the mowing of the grass. As the seeds sprout and drivers pass the garden, we can Proclaim God’s abundant love for both the workers and the receivers.

VOLUNTEERS ARE NEEDED . . . please reach out to Mark to provide any assistance, even if its just watering or picking weeds.

Mark Groh

Second Sunday Lunch Bunch begins June 9

Following worship all are welcome to gather for lunch at a local restaurant. Our first eating place will be the Wittmond Hotel. For those not familiar, the Wittmond Hotel is an old restaurant that is on the National Register of Historic Places. At one time, they offered rooms to rent to travelers. Now, it is a restaurant that is only open Friday, Saturday and Sunday. They serve only one family-style meal and is it ever a memorable meal! Fried Chicken and Sausage with all the trimmings . . .  mashed potatoes, corn, green beans and such. All of it delicious! A special dessert cobbler is available at an extra cost as is roast beef which is $1.00 more per serving. The price is about$25.00 a person, which is more than I anticipate most of our Lunch Bunch meals will cost. There will be a sign-up sheet, I will make reservations and provide directions to get there from church. We’ll carpool for the excursion.

Click the link below for a full size flyer to print off